On my OUS installation, Installing plugins fails. When I press the OK button, nothing happens. I have studied on this Error in installing new plugins from plugin gallery installed plugins - #4 by asmecher and The tar command is not available. Please correctly configure it in your "config.inc.php" - #9 by Matus_Muransky .
In my config.inc.php it says: tar = /bin/tar
In the error log I get:
- PHP Warning: copy(): https:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /home/iapli/ojs3_12/lib/pkp/classes/file/FileManager.inc.php on line 162
- PHP Warning: copy(https://github.com/pkp/quickSubmit/releases/download/v1.0.4-1/quickSubmit-v1.0.4-1.tar.gz): failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/iapli/ojs3_12/lib/pkp/classes/file/FileManager.inc.php on line 162
Does that mean that the tar command is not available? Given that I have OJS at a provider where I can only configure it with cPanel, what can I do to make it available?
In FileManager.inc.php line 155 says:
function copyFile($source, $dest) {
$success = true;
$destDir = dirname($dest);
if (!$this->fileExists($destDir, 'dir')) {
// Try to create the destination directory
if (copy($source, $dest))
return $this->setMode($dest, FILE_MODE_MASK);
return false;
Could you please help me to install the plugin?
Thank you, Daniel
PS. In my cPanel I can choose PHP options. “allow_url_fopen” is active, PHP version 7.2.