PHP7+. Could be easily adapted to use for older versions but I don’t see sense for this.
Modified default Manuscript theme (originally made by @NateWr): GitHub - Vitaliy-1/defaultManuscript: default Manuscript theme for use with jatsParser plugin
you can make own theme with Bootstrap and JQuery. We add it to our theme plugin. It is fairly simple. Download bootstrap from the official site somewhere in the web root and put a link to it. For example in my case it is in plugin/themes/child-theme/styles/bootstap. Example of adding bootstrap from,php:
public function init() {
$this->addStyle('my-custom-style1', 'styles/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css');
$this->addStyle('my-custom-style2', 'styles/bootstrap/bootstrap-theme.min.css');
$this->modifyStyle('stylesheet', array('addLess' => array('styles/index.less')));
$this->addScript('my-javascript1', 'js/jquery.min.js');
$this->addScript('my-javascript2', 'js/bootstrap.min.js');
Displays them on article detail page through Smarty templates
Actually it does the same as Lens Viewer, but the way like we want.
What is supported:
Sections up to 3 levels deep (easily can be added more).
Tables, Figures, Video.
Ordered and unordered lists. They are called and displayed recursively, so nested lists are fully supported up to infinite depth level. But not tested yet.
Don’t forget that plugin should be used with modified default manuscript theme or you can modify article_detail.tpl, header.tpl and article.tpl in your theme accordingly.
So as you can see they done the same, but with different mechanism. It is a debatable question what approach is better. But writing all the data into PHP objects gives an opportunity to make different operations with these data using PHP language.
One thing that I don’t like is tabs (from jquery ui) because of slow loading. Bootstrap in this case is better @hcl, do you look for such article_detail page functionality?
Need to add that plugin will not look like that from the scratch. It requires changing structure of several tpl theme files. If someone is interested in implementing I can provide them.
Hmm. I already tried this plugin on 2 systems (Windows and Ubuntu) and all works fine. The problem may be in:
JATS XML file, which causes errors while parsing.
Incompatibility with your theme.
Conflict with other plugins.
First I recommend to make a back-up of site and database and deploy them on a local machine (with XAMPP it will not take much time). Then to test plugin there. You will see all errors in the error log. I can tell more about the error only when see it.
Also please note, that beyond activating plugin. there will be a need to modify (or rewrite) files in your child theme. I have changed slightly the structure for templates for article detail page. Also I will take a look at default theme, adapt it to the plugin and place it on github, maybe on this or next week.
OK. Just tried on fresh install with default theme. All works fine. My steps:
Installed fresh OJS 3.0.2
Downloaded plugin from the github
Unpacked it an renamed directory to the: jatsParser.
Checked the plugin in the admin panel.
What you should see on the published article detail page:
It is published article (all content) with 2 abstracts. Later I will make an example of child theme to display it all correctly.
It worked now. Also worked on my journal, however with issues.
We need a proper theme like you said,
the references are not getting parsed.
tables are mis aligned.
Tabs are not present (Metrics etc)
We dont have that sections of the article like you have (Abstract, Introduction, references etc)
Can we also reduce the width of the right side bar (Info)
This is all because article detail page must be changed. It is easy, I will create examples shortly. The reference section is not parsed when it not contain title. This was done deliberately. Maybe this is the reason. I will need take a look at your JATS XML later.
Yep. And they are parsed with my plugin. But they need to be slightly differently formated. Keep in mind alsi that these parsers are written in very different languagues and have different concepts.
But don’t worry, it all can be easily adapted to different JATS XML markup, (not beyond NISO JATS stadard )
Impressive work done here. Thanks a lot @Vitaliy to share this.
BTW, I like the solution you found for the citation references but I have a doubt: Why not using the same templates than the citationFormats? or directly call the functions of this module…
The templates can’t be the same with citationFormats because we have different classes and methods. This plugins are unrelated with each other. I was planning in the future to write a method for writing citations in the database and write a plugins for editing them and export in different formats (bib, ris etc)
Or can you explain more how citation Formats plugin can help in this case? maybe I am missing something.
I think I suggested the same thing to you originally, but the OJS citation plugins have one central problem: they only apply to journal articles (they are used for example in the “how to cite” view). In this case also other citation formats are required for books, conference papers etc. So either the OJS citation plugins need to extended or you have to use your own.