Please help me to upgrade ojs-2.4.8 to ojs-3.0.2 without data lose

Anyone please give step by step method to upgrade ojs-2.4.8 to ojs-3.0.2 without data lose

hi i did the following steps, but still showing error 404.
For example:

Backuped my 2.4.8 database (mysqldump -u myuser -p --databases=myojsdb).
Backup my 2.4.8 uploaded files (tar -czvf /tmp/files_dir.tgz /path/to/private/ojs_files/).
Backup my 2.4.8 source code files (tar -czvf /tmp/ojs_source.tgz /path/to/webserver/ojs-2.8.2/).
Create a new install of OJS3.0.2 (tar -xzvf ojs-3.0.2.tar.gz -C /path/to/webserver/ojs-3.0.2/)
Copy the public files from 2.4.8 to 3.0.2 (sudo cp -rv /path/to/webserver/ojs-2.8.2/public/* /path/to/webserver/ojs-3.0.2/public/).
updated new file in ojs-3.0.2 to align with my previous configuration.
Changed “installed = Off”
Upgraded the OJS successfully .
But the data is missing.

Here is the database tables

ojs-2.8.2 database :slight_smile:

show tables
→ ;
| Tables_in_ojs |
| access_keys |
| announcement_settings |
| announcement_type_settings |
| announcement_types |
| announcements |
| article_comments |
| article_files |
| article_galley_settings |
| article_galleys |
| article_html_galley_images |
| article_search_keyword_list |
| article_search_object_keywords |
| article_search_objects |
| article_settings |
| article_supp_file_settings |
| article_supplementary_files |
| article_xml_galleys |
| articles |
| auth_sources |
| author_settings |
| authors |
| books_for_review |
| books_for_review_authors |
| books_for_review_settings |
| captchas |
| citation_settings |
| citations |
| comments |
| completed_payments |
| controlled_vocab_entries |
| controlled_vocab_entry_settings |
| controlled_vocabs |
| custom_issue_orders |
| custom_section_orders |
| data_object_tombstone_oai_set_objects |
| data_object_tombstone_settings |
| data_object_tombstones |
| dataverse_files |
| dataverse_studies |
| edit_assignments |
| edit_decisions |
| email_log |
| email_log_users |
| email_templates |
| email_templates_data |
| email_templates_default |
| email_templates_default_data |
| event_log |
| event_log_settings |
| external_feed_settings |
| external_feeds |
| filter_groups |
| filter_settings |
| filters |
| gifts |
| group_memberships |
| group_settings |
| groups |
| institutional_subscription_ip |
| institutional_subscriptions |
| issue_files |
| issue_galley_settings |
| issue_galleys |
| issue_settings |
| issues |
| journal_settings |
| journals |
| metadata_description_settings |
| metadata_descriptions |
| metrics |
| mutex |
| notes |
| notification_mail_list |
| notification_settings |
| notification_subscription_settings |
| notifications |
| oai_resumption_tokens |
| object_for_review_assignments |
| object_for_review_persons |
| object_for_review_settings |
| objects_for_review |
| paypal_transactions |
| pln_deposit_objects |
| pln_deposits |
| plugin_settings |
| processes |
| published_articles |
| queued_payments |
| referral_settings |
| referrals |
| review_assignments |
| review_form_element_settings |
| review_form_elements |
| review_form_responses |
| review_form_settings |
| review_forms |
| review_object_metadata |
| review_object_metadata_settings |
| review_object_type_settings |
| review_object_types |
| review_rounds |
| roles |
| rt_contexts |
| rt_searches |
| rt_versions |
| scheduled_tasks |
| section_editors |
| section_settings |
| sections |
| sessions |
| signoffs |
| site |
| site_settings |
| static_page_settings |
| static_pages |
| subscription_type_settings |
| subscription_types |
| subscriptions |
| temporary_files |
| theses |
| usage_stats_temporary_records |
| user_interests |
| user_settings |
| users |
| versions |
125 rows in set (0.00 sec)


show tables;
| Tables_in_ojs_ss |
| access_keys |
| announcement_settings |
| announcement_type_settings |
| announcement_types |
| announcements |
| auth_sources |
| author_settings |
| authors |
| citation_settings |
| citations |
| completed_payments |
| controlled_vocab_entries |
| controlled_vocab_entry_settings |
| controlled_vocabs |
| custom_issue_orders |
| custom_section_orders |
| data_object_tombstone_oai_set_objects |
| data_object_tombstone_settings |
| data_object_tombstones |
| edit_decisions |
| email_log |
| email_log_users |
| email_templates |
| email_templates_data |
| email_templates_default |
| email_templates_default_data |
| event_log |
| event_log_settings |
| filter_groups |
| filter_settings |
| filters |
| genre_settings |
| genres |
| gifts |
| institutional_subscription_ip |
| institutional_subscriptions |
| issue_files |
| issue_galley_settings |
| issue_galleys |
| issue_settings |
| issues |
| item_views |
| journal_settings |
| journals |
| library_file_settings |
| library_files |
| metadata_description_settings |
| metadata_descriptions |
| metrics |
| mutex |
| notes |
| notification_mail_list |
| notification_settings |
| notification_subscription_settings |
| notifications |
| oai_resumption_tokens |
| paypal_transactions |
| plugin_settings |
| processes |
| published_submissions |
| queries |
| query_participants |
| queued_payments |
| review_assignments |
| review_files |
| review_form_element_settings |
| review_form_elements |
| review_form_responses |
| review_form_settings |
| review_forms |
| review_round_files |
| review_rounds |
| rt_contexts |
| rt_searches |
| rt_versions |
| scheduled_tasks |
| section_editors |
| section_settings |
| sections |
| sessions |
| site |
| site_settings |
| stage_assignments |
| static_page_settings |
| static_pages |
| submission_artwork_files |
| submission_comments |
| submission_file_settings |
| submission_files |
| submission_galley_settings |
| submission_galleys |
| submission_html_galley_images |
| submission_search_keyword_list |
| submission_search_object_keywords |
| submission_search_objects |
| submission_settings |
| submission_supplementary_files |
| submission_tombstones |
| submissions |
| subscription_type_settings |
| subscription_types |
| subscriptions |
| temporary_files |
| usage_stats_temporary_records |
| user_group_settings |
| user_group_stage |
| user_groups |
| user_interests |
| user_settings |
| user_user_groups |
| users |
| versions |
112 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Hi @george

In order not to lose data you will have to backup everything from ojs 2.4.x. It would be best you would test the upgrade first, e.g. on a test installation/server, and first when everything seems to be OK, do it in the production mode. Also, it would be best to use git and the current ojs-stable-3_0_2 branch, because it contains a lot of bug fixes since the 3.0.2 release.
If you do the DB upgrade and an error occurs, you should repair the problem (probably in your 2.4.x installation) and do the upgrade on a clean and fixed 2.4.x backup again.


Somehow i able to upgrade the OJS from 2.4.8 to 3.0.0

i did following things :slight_smile:

  1. download and extracted ojs-2.4.8-2.tar.gz
  2. copy the content of 2.4.8 public folder to public folder of 2.4.8-2
  3. Do the same for the cache folder
  4. Do the same for the file
  5. Change Installed to off and upgrade the OJS

repeat the step for upgrading the ojs from 2.4.8-2 to 3.0.0