PKP PN journal not listed

Hi, we enabled our PKP PN plugin a couple of days ago, but the message is still that
The PKP PLN does not know about this journal yet and there are no deposits. We are still not on the list.
our ISSN is 2806-7568 and the journal URL is:
We are using OJS
Thanks for your help!

Hi @melita_aleksa!

I think this problem has been solved, right? On our side, I see everything is fine and 9 deposits have been made.

Jonas Raoni


How long does it take for the deposits to be fully processed?
I still have this in the system (In progress).

@melita_aleksa, the deposits were marked as complete yesterday, so the status should be updated today/tomorrow. If it doesn’t change, it could be a problem on the plugin and I’m ok to provide support.

Jonas Raoni

Thank you for your support. It is now marked as “completed”. You can close the thread now.

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