The ID of this journal in the PKP PN is: 6404A2DD-A035-4B1A-8847-065117ED8C69
OJS with updated plugin.
A journal was having difficulty having two of its editions preserved in the PKP PN. An older one was due to an invalid character, which was resolved. However, with the most recent edition, we encountered an unusual problem.
Until December 17, we received this error:
[2024-12-17 15:56:27] [Warning] Processing status obtained for 64 -> (harvest-error)
The next day (18) things seemed better:
[2024-12-18 10:56:08] [Warning] Posting the Atom file to the test server for deposit 64 (Local status: [Packaged], Processing status: [Unknown], Lockss status: [Unknown]) - (Url: [[URL omitted]/6404A2DD-A035-4B1A-8847-065117ED8C69/57D66D87-1BE3-44F6-9952-476FD1FCB058/edit], AtomPath: [[path]/pln/57D66D87-1BE3-44F6-9952-476FD1FCB058/57D66D87-1BE3-44F6-9952-476FD1FCB058.xml], Method: [PutFile])
[2024-12-18 10:56:08] [Warning] The Atom file upload to the test server for deposit 64 was successful
[2024-12-18 16:38:17] [Warning] Attempting status update for 64 (Issue: 76) (Local status: [Transferred], Processing status: [Unknown], Lockss status: [Unknown])
[2024-12-18 16:38:18] [Warning] Processing status obtained for 64 -> (depositedByJournal)
December 19:
[2024-12-19 10:33:29] [Warning] Attempting status update for 64 (Issue: 76) (Local status: [Transferred], Processing status: [Unknown], Lockss status: [Unknown])
[2024-12-19 10:33:30] [Warning] Processing status obtained for 64 -> (bag-validated)
December 20:
[2024-12-20 10:34:21] [Warning] Attempting status update for 64 (Issue: 76) (Local status: [Transferred], Processing status: [Received], Lockss status: [Unknown])
[2024-12-20 10:34:22] [Warning] Processing status obtained for 64 -> (deposited)
Still on December 20, when the plugin showed as “completed” in OJS and we celebrated:
[2024-12-20 16:15:51] [Warning] Packaging for deposit 11 was successful
[2024-12-20 16:15:51] [Warning] Attempting deposit of package 64 (Issue: 76) (Local status: [New], Processing status: [Unknown], Lockss status: [Unknown])
[2024-12-20 16:16:07] [Warning] Packaging for deposit 64 was successful
[2024-12-20 16:16:07] [Warning] Processing deposit status update.
[2024-12-20 16:16:07] [Warning] Sending deposits to the PN.
[2024-12-20 16:16:07] [Warning] Attempting transfer of deposit 11 (Issue: 11) (Local status: [Packaged], Processing status: [Unknown], Lockss status: [Unknown])
[2024-12-20 16:16:08] [Warning] Posting the Atom file to the test server for deposit 11 (Local status: [Packaged], Processing status: [Unknown], Lockss status: [Unknown]) - (Url: [[URL omitted]/6404A2DD-A035-4B1A-8847-065117ED8C69/12E64B25-533D-49E1-9588-F6DFF16C4FB0/edit], AtomPath: [[path]/pln/12E64B25-533D-49E1-9588-F6DFF16C4FB0/12E64B25-533D-49E1-9588-F6DFF16C4FB0.xml], Method: [PutFile])
[2024-12-20 16:16:09] [Warning] The Atom file upload to the test server for deposit 11 was successful
[2024-12-20 16:16:10] [Warning] Attempting transfer of deposit 64 (Issue: 76) (Local status: [Packaged], Processing status: [Unknown], Lockss status: [Unknown])
[2024-12-20 16:16:10] [Warning] Posting the Atom file to the test server for deposit 64 (Local status: [Packaged], Processing status: [Unknown], Lockss status: [Unknown]) - (Url: [[URL omitted]/6404A2DD-A035-4B1A-8847-065117ED8C69/57D66D87-1BE3-44F6-9952-476FD1FCB058/edit], AtomPath: [[path]/pln/57D66D87-1BE3-44F6-9952-476FD1FCB058/57D66D87-1BE3-44F6-9952-476FD1FCB058.xml], Method: [PutFile])
[2024-12-20 16:16:11] [Warning] The Atom file upload to the test server for deposit 64 was successful
In the following days, it was intermittent:
[2024-12-21 16:16:21] [Warning] Processing status obtained for 64 -> (xml-validated)
[2024-12-22 16:16:31] [Warning] Processing status obtained for 64 -> (deposited)
[2024-12-24 16:17:29] [Warning] Posting the Atom file to the test server for deposit 64 (Local status: [Packaged], Processing status: [Unknown], Lockss status: [Unknown]) - (Url: [[URL omitted]/6404A2DD-A035-4B1A-8847-065117ED8C69/57D66D87-1BE3-44F6-9952-476FD1FCB058/edit], AtomPath: [[path]/pln/57D66D87-1BE3-44F6-9952-476FD1FCB058/57D66D87-1BE3-44F6-9952-476FD1FCB058.xml], Method: [PutFile])
[2024-12-24 16:17:30] [Warning] The Atom file upload to the test server for deposit 64 was successful
[2024-12-25 16:18:07] [Warning] Processing status obtained for 64 -> (xml-validated)
Until we returned on January 3 to the harvest-error
[2025-01-03 16:21:01] [Warning] Processing status obtained for 64 -> (harvest-error)
Can you help us with this problem?