I have one journal that I upgraded to ojs-2.4.8 and a week ago I checked the status and again today.
The status is the same as last week.
Here is a screen shot:-
I am assuming that when Complete shows Yes that Issues have been deposited. Just wondering how long it takes?
We’re in final testing stages of the LOCKS box part of the PLN (the journal-to-staging server part is in full swing), so we can’t give you a specific date, but we hope we’ll be ready to go in the next few weeks. The “Transfered” status in your “Local status” column is good, it means that the staging server has harvested your deposits.
As soon we flip the switch on the production LOCKSS network, the rest of the status columns will change as the deposits work their way through the pipeline.
Hi, recently we have installed the pkp PLN pluggin in our OJS 2.8 version, the message of the network status is: The PKP PLN does not know about this journal yet. Is correct this?
The PLN couldn’t reach your journal because of changes you appear to have made to your configuration (specifically the hostname of your journal) after the journal first contacted the PLN. We’ve cleared your journal’s entry on our end and the next time it attempts to contact us it should work. Let me know if you don’t see any change in status on Monday, for example.
@mjordan, what are the hostname requirements for the PKP PLN? In particular, I’m wondering about our journals which are accessible over multiple hostnames. Does something on your end need to match the journal’s base_url in config.inc.php, or just any URL aliased to the journal?
@ctgraham The deposit URL that is reported to our staging server is the one that is rendered by this code in the PLN plugin at the time the deposit is created:
If the hostname changes after the deposit is created, we need to do some things on our end to make sure that the communication between the journal and the staging server continues to work. We’re looking at how we can automate those “things” on the staging server side, since apparently it is more common that we anticipated that a journal’s hostname will change.
Do you have journals that are supposed to be accessed at multiple hostnames or are you asking a more general question? It’s important that we know about real use cases so if you can provide some that would be excellent.
@ctgraham, thanks. We did not anticipate this use case. Would you mind opening an issue asking that we use $base_url instead of $journal->getUrl(), tagging @mjoyce and including ‘PKP PLN’ in the issue title? We’ll have a fix for the next release.
I just checked the one journal that I have on OJS-2.4.8 to use the PKP PLN.
The current local status is Transferred
The processing status is Sent to LOCKSS.
LOCKSS status is Unknown.
Complete is No.
Hi @EdwardDavid,
So you still don’t know if the pluging is correctly working? @mjordan answered to you saying “As soon we flip the switch on the production LOCKSS network, the rest of the status columns will change as the deposits work their way through the pipeline”. I thinked LOCKSS network is already in production.