PKP PLN Error: [Notice] Deposit 55 has unknown processing state harvest-error


For the PKP PLN registration of the latest issue (Vol 14, issue 3) of our journal, we received this error and registration process are not completed.

[2023-10-19 17:06:49] [Notice] Deposit 55 has unknown processing state harvest-error

How can we solve this problem?


Hi @eurjchem,

Can you please indicate which version of OJS you’re using (e.g. 3.3.0-15) as well as the version of the PKP PN plugin you’re running?

PKP Team

Hi, Rrcgillis,

We are using OJS and PLN. 3 months ago, our 14(2) 2023 issue is registered and archived without problem.

Best wishes

Hi @eurjchem,

Thank you for the additional information.

FYI: our minimum criteria for PKP PN is 3.1:

And, OJS 2 is very outdated - I would highly recommend upgrading (I’m happy to point you to resources on this if you wish).

@jonasraoni - is troubleshooting this even possible if they are still running OJS 2?

PKP Team

@rcgillis we just can give him some directions (I’ve already explained to him what’s happening and how to investigate on another place).

If there are issues on the code, we’re unable to help, since we’re not fixing problems on OJS versions older than 3.3.

Jonas Raoni

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