Alguien puede decirme que sucedio con el los links de pkp docs parecen estar rotos porque no me llevan a lo que quiero. Miren estoy buscando la documentacion de respaldo y restauracion y no me lleva a la pagina sino que me envia a index. Alguien sabe que sucede
I believe the document you are trying to access is outdated. All of our previous documentation are now being redirected to our current/main documentation hub.
The information you are looking for sounds like it would most likely be in the Administrator Guide. Please check there and if you have any specific questions, please feel free to post them back on the forum.
Patricia Public Knowledge Project Team
hi @pmangahis yes indeed I want to backup and restore files from ojs 2 so I cannot access right now to those documents so could you tell me where is that current/main documentation hub ?