The editor of our Spanish-language journal is requesting changes to such labels as Resumen (Abstract) to a different wording. I recall seeing the link on this forum but I do not see it anymore. I was able to change Epañol (España) to show just Español, but cannot find the other xml or other files where other label changes can be made. Can you please point me to that folder?
And more importantly, I would like to make these changes permanent. but each time OJS goes through and update or upgrade, the process overrides those changes and restores the default ones. Is there a way to do the upgrades so that they can bypass these customizations? Thanks!
You may wish to check out the Custom Locale plugin, as well as the guide here: Customize a Translation Locally (provided you are running OJS 3.2 or later). It will allow you to manage these translations and should be retained within your OJS instance.
I have had a strange experience with a plugin: ORCID – when I activated that (we were still in in 3.1 at the time), the site lost its registration form. When I deactivated the plugin, access to the registration form was restored. Has anyone had any similar experience with the custom locale plugin? We are in 3.2 now. Also, what is the safest way to revert to the most recent working version of OJS (e.g., before using this plugin)? It is not installed, but I see it in the Plugin Gallery. There is an upgrade button – does that upgrade the OJS or just add the plugin? Best regards,
I have not heard of that happening with the Custom Locale Plugin. The ORCID plugin connects to the registration page, so that may be why it was affected.
What you may want to do before working with the plugin is create a backup. Then try installing the plugin and check to see if the error occurs, try to gather an error information, and revert to your backup, so that your OJS instance is not affected. The upgrade plugin likely refers to the plugin, as there is not an upgrade button like that to upgrade the entire OJS instance.
Thanks for those clarifications. I have looked around the OJS platform and did not find the plugin under the Administration area. Some plugins require that you enable something at the top level first and then install or enable it for selected journals. This is what I also see with the custom locale plugin. I suppose, it’s just a wording choice for a smaller-size button but that it what I will need to use to do the initial installing. Best regards, – Arjun
I have successfully installed and used the custom locale plugin. I did notice that it only does the customization in English (en_US). There is a bi-lingual journal where the locale is English but you can switch between English and Spanish. Is there a similar method for customizing the labels in Spanish?
Many thanks again! – Arjun
I have tried switching to Spanish as locale but it only shows en_US and not the equivalencies for es_ES. I navigated to the area where the plugin could be installed. It shows as installed, the personalization options only point to the English. Alternatively, I could go into the file and change it there via the cpanel but the next upgrade will reverse those changes. You have been most helpful, and this is a very useful plugin. Best regards,
You need to change the primary locale - not just change to the Spanish locale. You change the Primary Locale under Website Settings > Setup > Languages. Can you try this and see if it works?
Yes, Roger, that is what I have done – changed the primary locale. I tried to look into documentation but the txt file was blank. I deleted the plugin from the journal then reinstalled it with Spanish as the primary locale. The customizations are only pointing to the English mappings (e.g., show “Excepts” instead of “Abstract” in en_US/locale.po), but I do not see It would be important to add the languages regardless of primary locale.
Hmm… I’m at not entirely sure. What version of the plugin is showing for the plugin in the plugin gallery? You could also clearing your caches (template and data cache in the Administrator area) to see if that makes a difference?
The version I got was v1.1.0.1, and I have cleared both caches upon your suggestion. From what I have seen is that all featured languages have an assigned locale.po file. I was able to go into the one in the es_ES/locate.po and make a wording change for now, but I’d really like to see a choice of languages just as you could do with languages for IU, form, etc. regardless of the locale. English could be the locale for some multilingual journals. The Directory of Open Access Journal features many such journals.
OFF Topic: I have also tried to make all button labels just read PDF instead of PDF (Espanol). Ironically, PDF alone appears on the Spanish side and PDF Espanol on the English side. Is there an .xml or .po file to control that? I have looked through the plugin but did not see it there.
I see what you mean. The manner that you described works for editing the locale works too, but of course, the custom locale plugin (when it works) is easier.
Hi Roger,
Thank you so much for taking up the conversation about the plugin. I realize this is probably work in progress, but I’ll be looking out for new plugins. As for the PDFs – at least the PDF (Español) indicates that PDF is PDF in both languages :-))).