PDFs gone after update from 2.x to 3.1


I updated my journal from 2.x to 3.1 last week (journal URL: revista.medicinauni.edu.py/ )

After the update, the About section of the journal is blank, which is weird but not major.

The issues appear with the right information, but the articles’ PDF files aren’t properly linked! I know they are in the server because I left them there, so I’m not sure what’s going on. Is it maybe an issue with the home url? I had to change that because some items weren’t loading in the menu.

When I click on the PDF link on an article to see the article in question, I just get a blank page.

Any and all help is appreciated.

Hi @Marcos_Codas,

For the blank page issue, check your server’s error log for details.

For the PDFs, what kinds of PDF filenames are you seeing in your files directory? The upgrade process renames them to a new naming standard, but if the script doesn’t have permission to do that, your PDFs will not be where OJS expects them. (If that happens during upgrade you should receive warnings.)

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team


Just double checked and while the directory is there, there’s no files within my files_dir or public_files_dir directories.

Will check my backups.

Quick Q: Since I can’t find the PDFs in my updated install (I’m sure they’re in my backup and I have them stored elsewhere as well), can I simply re-upload the files through the admin backend? It’s only a single journal, 4 issues, 8 articles per issue… so It won’t take that long. Will that work? If so, will it provide a better chance to work than reuploading through FTP?

Hi @Marcos_Codas,

Are you sure they’re gone? If so, then I’d suggest working via FTP. You can identify where OJS expects them to go by editing lib/pkp/classes/file/FileManager.inc.php, finding the downloadFile function, and adding an error_log call to record the filePath OJS expects to find the file in. Then you’ll know where to put the file and what to call it.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you for your help!

I’m trying to find the PDFs but I can’t.

Any cons against simply reupping the PDFs?

I’m not savvy enough to proceed with your troubleshooting without further help (I don’t know how to add the error_log call )

Hi @Marcos_Codas,

Do you mean re-upping the PDFs via OJS, or via FTP? If via OJS, be aware that OJS doesn’t ever replace files, but it does permit revising. So it’s not strictly the same as putting the file back in place.

As for FTP, that’s what I’m suggesting – but you need to know the exact filename and location where OJS expects to find its files, and that’s why I’m suggesting adding the error_log call.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I’m OK with revising as long as the result is the same for the reader. I think it’ll be easier than messing with the folder structure via FTP, where my knowledge may hold me back.

I’ll report back.

Well, I don’t know what happened, but nothing seems to be working well.

Even the menus won’t translate properly, changes to the About page won’t stick… I’m at a loss.

Won’t it be more practical to simply export the journal (its users, roles, etc), and create a fresh installation? Is it possible to export all that data and reload it into a fresh installation that works on a basic level?

Hi @Marcos_Codas,

If changes to the about pages won’t stick, then I suspect you’ve got file permission problems in cache. Check the FAQ for an entry on file permissions.

Exporting and importing with the XML import/export plugin will bring in all your published content, but it will not include editorial history, journal settings, etc., so I’d suggest sticking with debugging for now.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Would the file permissions issue also affect the menu not displaying the right way? It displays string name instead of localized names.

Might it be something to do with the fact that 2.x ran on a language that doesn’t exist in 3.x? (Argentinian Spanish). I tried changing the language but it won’t stick or display menus properly either.

Hi @Marcos_Codas,

When you create the journal, the localization strings are installed into the database; so e.g. editing the XML files afterwards won’t have any effect. You should be able to provide the missing translations by editing the menu items in setup.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you for your quick replies! I’ll dive back into it this weekend, and see if I can’t get it to work.

Well, almost there! Changes to about page stick now after rechecking the permissions. While my older galley versions don’t display, I can re-upload the file for each article manually and that works. However, clicking the PDF icon now downloads the file instead of viewing it embedded in the browser. Is that normal behavior or do I need to change anything? I would prefer readers to be able to read an embedded version like it was in 2.x.

Nevermind! Found the plugin was unselected.

Now it’s just a matter of reuploading the galley files.

Thank you for your help!