Hello to all.
Iam working with ojs 2.4.8. I settled the journal with restricted access because i want to share articles content only with subscripers.
i can see correctly the pdf viewer if i log in The site.
I woukd like to know if there Is a way to see only a pdf preview for people Who are not subscripers.
My willing would be that pdf viewer shows only the first page (with abstract) when people are not logged in to the site.
Thank you!!!
Hi @Matte,
OJS has an option restricting PDFs to subscribers but allowing anyone to read other formats (e.g. HTML). I’d suggest using that option, and uploading your first-page preview as an HTML document.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks Alec
hi, i got similar problem, when uploading a article in PDF, updoads go fine, but the problems come when the user wanna see that article display like binary the PDF, not show correctly . this is a screenshot, http://prntscr.com/byr4v3
I allready upgrade the plugin pdfJsViewer, even with the latest for de OJS 3.X but still the same, any suggetion?
Hi @alienmau ,
What version of OJS are you using?
Generally it’s a bad idea to mix plugins from different versions – stick with the pdfJsViewer from your OJS version.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
im using 2.4.8 latest stable version, and i already solved, install the pdfJSViewer for 2.4.8, and the mistake i was doing is choosing Layout Version instead of galley for pdf upload.
All solved thanks.
There are a lot of thinks to do in this version, like complete resposive design, i have to touch the entire OJS to made it posible XD
Hi @alienmau,
Keep an eye out for the release of OJS 3.0 – it’ll start to address a lot of long-standing UI/UX issues and other OJS wish-list items.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
and i can migrate from 2.4.8 to 3.0 ? i have to touch some files to give a good looking page, the only concern is that i can migrate mi database without any problem, cause i got somo issues when upgrade fromo 1.x to 2.x the entire database colapse and hace to do it again
Hi @alienmau,
Yes, there will be content migration – articles, reviews, issues, etc. There are considerable changes to the workflow, front-end, etc., so you’ll need to review those elements and in particular adapt any customizations and tweaks you’ve made to your 2.4.x system.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
¿Has comprobado si el webserver tiene configurado el MIME-TYPE para los PDFs? porque no es que te lo muestre como binario, te lo esta mostrando como texto
ya lo solucione amigo ,gracias y si tambien pense en eso pero estaba bien, incluso actualiza el pdfJsViewer al de la version de OJS 3.0 pero el problema era que al momento de subir un articulo no seleccionaba galerada cuando seleccionaba el PDF dejaba seleccionado el de maquetacion y pues lo subia como HTML como texto plano, jajaja que cosas pero bueno encontre mi error jejeje. Saludos