We have three journals running. Two are working fine. The third just published its first issue. Clicking the viewer buttons for the PDFs result in the viewer itself loading, but an nginx 404 error page appearing under the top blue bar. The download link at top right of the page works.
Postgres 14.7
PHP-FPM 7.4.33
An example article page is here:
Based on a little database spelunking, the expected file appears have the “hash”:
and to exist:
We previously had a problem with HTML galleys on another journal which was caused by nginx configuration (short circuiting delivery of various “static” files, e.g. css, js, images, etc, but also html, so we exempted /article/download/ paths from this). While the current problem seems like it’s nginx-related, I not sure it’s in the same configuration clause.
What’s puzzling me is that the working journals’ PDFs seem to be delivered exactly the same way as America250, but A250 gets a 404 for the PDF viewer.
So, who can see what I’m missing?