I am using the PayPal payment system for a Open Conference Systems installation in Spanish.
When an user makes a payment, neither the title of the conference nor the registration type are written down in the Paypal invoice. It’s only there “Register to participate in {$conferenceTitle}” and the amount.
Is there any way I can change the {$conferenceTitle} into the actual name of the conference and make clear in the invoice the registration type?
Thank you very much.
Best regards
Hi @vmarinj,
The information that OCS provides to PayPal, which PayPal can then use to create a receipt, is defined in plugins/paymethod/paypal/PayPalPlugin.inc.php
in the displayPaymentForm
function. Primarily you’re interested in item_name
, which comes from the queued payment, and is in turn implemented in classes/payment/ocs/OCSQueuedPayment.inc.php
in the getDescription
function. You can adjust the item description there. If you’d like more information, let me know where you’re stuck.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Thank you very much for your answer.
I understand that I should change the item_name in the PayPalPlugin.inc.php but how can I know which is the function or string to reference the type of registration and the title of the conference? Can I find it in some other file?
Hi @vmarinj,
Actually, the payment description comes from OCSQueuedPayment; did you look at the second function described above?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Thank you again for your answer.
I was looking at the OCSQueuedPayment, but I think it should be all fine according to the data included in the getDescription function…I do not know why it is not being shown in the Paypal invoice.
I paste here what it is there so maybe you detect where it is the problem…
function getDescription() {
switch ($this->type) {
$registrationDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO(‘RegistrationDAO’);
$registration =& $registrationDao->getRegistration($this->getAssocId());
$registrationTypeDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('RegistrationTypeDAO');
$registrationType =& $registrationTypeDao->getRegistrationType(
$registrationOptionDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('RegistrationOptionDAO');
$registrationOptions =& $registrationOptionDao->getRegistrationOptions($this->getAssocId());
$options = '';
foreach ($registrationOptions as $optionId) {
$options .= ';' . $registrationOptionDao->getRegistrationOptionName($optionId);
$schedConfDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('SchedConfDAO');
$schedConf =& $schedConfDao->getSchedConf(
return __('payment.type.conferenceRegistration', array(
'schedConfTitle' => ($schedConf?$schedConf->getFullTitle():__('common.none')),
'registrationTypeName' => ($registrationType?$registrationType->getRegistrationTypeName():__('common.none')),
)) . $options;
Hi @vmarinj,
The “Register to participate in…” text you quoted above appears to be a customization; can you clarify where you made that change, so I’m sure we’re referring to the same confirmation message?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I did not customized that text… I only can imagine that maybe has something to do with using the Spanish template instead of the English one?
Hi @vmarinj,
Ah – what’s the exact Spanish text you’re seeing?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Registro para participar en {$conferenceTitle}
Hi @vmarinj,
Hmm, is that the exact text? Searching the OCS codebase for that text doesn’t show anything.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Yes, it is.
When I go as author to pay the specific registration fee of the conference using Paypal (after pressing the button “Inscripción”-Register) that message appears in the webpage, which is the same that it is written down afterwards in the Paypal invoice. I attach a screenshot in case it is useful to find the file where I should change the text:
Thank you very much,
Any more ideas?
I have looked at the locale .xml file in the en_US and es_ES folders and I did not find out yet where I should change this…
Hi @vmarinj,
What is the locale key in locale/es_ES/locale.xml
(I’m assuming you’re using this, not e.g. Argentinian Spanish) corresponding to the payment.type.conferenceRegistration
locale key?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
This one was not in the locale.xml file on es_ES folder at first but I added it some days ago.
Now it’s:
Registro al congreso; {$schedConfTitle}; {$registrationTypeName}
Hi @vmarinj,
Ah, that’s why I wasn’t finding it in the stock OCS codebase. The getDescription
function in classes/payment/OCSQueuedPayment.inc.php
should contain…
return __('payment.type.conferenceRegistration', array(
'schedConfTitle' => ($schedConf?$schedConf->getFullTitle():__('common.none')),
'registrationTypeName' => ($registrationType?$registrationType->getRegistrationTypeName():__('common.none')),
)) . $options;
…which does define a variable called schedConfTitle
. From your description, it sounds like `schedConfTitle is not getting properly replaced. Does your code match this?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Yes, in the getDescription function in classes/payment/OCS/OCSQueuedPayment.inc.php the final part of the code matches that text:
function getDescription() {
switch ($this->type) {
$registrationDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO(‘RegistrationDAO’);
$registration =& $registrationDao->getRegistration($this->getAssocId());
$registrationTypeDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('RegistrationTypeDAO');
$registrationType =& $registrationTypeDao->getRegistrationType(
$registrationOptionDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('RegistrationOptionDAO');
$registrationOptions =& $registrationOptionDao->getRegistrationOptions($this->getAssocId());
$options = '';
foreach ($registrationOptions as $optionId) {
$options .= ';' . $registrationOptionDao->getRegistrationOptionName($optionId);
$schedConfDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('SchedConfDAO');
$schedConf =& $schedConfDao->getSchedConf(
return __('payment.type.conferenceRegistration', array(
'schedConfTitle' => ($schedConf?$schedConf->getFullTitle():__('common.none')),
'registrationTypeName' => ($registrationType?$registrationType->getRegistrationTypeName():__('common.none')),
)) . $options;
Hi @vmarinj,
Your screenshot references $conferenceTitle
while the code talks about $schedConfTitle
; did something change here?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
When I changed $schedConfTitle in the OCSQueuedPayment.inc.php file to $conferenceTitle happened a curious thing, it turned the {$conferenceTitle} of the screenshot into “ninguno” (none).
Here it is the code with the change and the new screenshot:
return __('payment.type.conferenceRegistration', array(
'conferenceTitle' => ($conferenceTitle?$conferenceTitle->getFullTitle():__('common.none')),
'registrationTypeName' => ($registrationType?$registrationType->getRegistrationTypeName():__('common.none')),
)) . $options;
Hi @vmarinj,
There’s a difference here between your code and the stock code. Notice that your code contains…
…but the stock version is…
Because the $conferenceTitle
PHP variable doesn’t exist, it’s defaulting to __('common.none')
, which is “ninguno” in Spanish.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I have now changed the code but it stills shows the same as the first screenshot I included in a previous post (conferenceTitle}. Now it is:
return (‘payment.type.conferenceRegistration’, array(
‘schedConf’ => ($schedConf?$schedConf->getFullTitle():(‘common.none’)),
‘registrationType’ => ($registrationType?$registrationType->getRegistrationTypeName():__(‘common.none’)),
)) . $options;
I am lost, no idea where to find the PHP original variables or where to change the code so it shows the actual name of the conference…