Pay per view and subscription management in OJS 3.x (latest version)

Posting this per the request of Alec. Thanks Alec.

Can someone tell me the status of Pay Per View functionality in OJS 3.x (latest version) please?
(Is the functionality identical to
Can someone tell me the status of subscription management in OJS 3.x (latest version please?
(Is the functionality identical to
We run and want to upgrade but those are two limiting issues.

Full disclosure, I did run the testdrive and uploaded an article and managed to tweak the journal configuration to get the [$100CAD] box. However, they system kept logging me in as admin so I could not test the back end. I was not able to figure out how to enable subscriptions. It will take us a few days to uncover how to do things in 3.x

Thank you!

Hi @radjr,

Can you elaborate further on what you mean by “Pay per view functionality” ?
If you haven’t already, I’d encourage you to look at our documentation on the subscription functionality in OJS 3.3 (the most latest minor version).
These sections are probably most relevant:
Distribution Settings
Distribution Settings

Best regards,

PKP Team

Additionally, thanks for the documentation link. It seems that subscriptions work the same as in OJS 2.4.8. Can you tell me we upgrade to OJS 3.x, will the conversion convert the subscription type records and the actual subscriptions to OJS 3.x properly? Are there any bugs or gotcha’s to worry about? Thanks. Rich DeVito

In the upgrade documentation located here: “Differences between OJS 2 and 3
it states “Payments and subscriptions functionality is less developed and some features are not available, including donations”
Can anyone tell me if this functionality has been added to match what is currently in 2.4.8?
Thank you!

Hi @radjr,

Sorry - I’m realizing that specific documentation is rather dated - I’ve put in a request to update it. Most subscription features are now more or less caught up and there is feature parity with OJS2.

PKP Team

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