We have an issue where new users can register with our journal on OJS, but the system refuses to recognise their password, even following reset. I have confirmed this myself by setting up a dummy account. Any idea how to resolve this?
Apologies, but I am not actually sure how to determiner that. This is where
we “house” the journal: Exeter Working Papers in Education
If you could help me identify the version, it would be much appreciated.
Thank you so much. The version currently set up is Does anyone
know if there is a particular issue with this version in terms of logging
back in once set up as a new user?
That version of OJS is more than 5 years old – I’d strongly suggest upgrading rather than spending time debugging this. The lowest complexity upgrade is the latest OJS 2.4.x release, though of course you can consider upgrading to OJS 3.x when you’re ready.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team