Good morning
I have problem with a provide a email with password to the mailbox after using function “remind my password”.
I read many posts in an old forum but i didn’t find solution.
Is anybody can tell me what i have to do step by step to check it?
I tried to add “die(‘Testing’)” (according to this post:
but i don’t have in: requestResetPassword line.
I read also post about problem with non english letters (with turkish one), so i cancel prepared email and write there only word: test. Unfortunately this solution also doesn’t work.
Finally i found this topic:
But it’s not exactly my problem.
Please help me
Thank you in advance
PS. All other emails working properly
System details:
Smarty version 2.6.26
Hi @chahor,
What version of OCS are you running? Can you describe what happens when you attempt to run through the password reset process, without any modifications in place?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
Thank you for the fast reply
In ThisPublishSystem.tpl.php file i checked that i have 2.6.26 version, as I mentioned, but I am not quite sure where I can find out this information (if this one is not proper).
So i click log in
send me a new password, the system is asking for a registered email, then i click send and I obtain information:
the password reminder was sent to the email.
But email never reach emailbox
Hi @chahor,
To get your OCS version number, go into Site Administration > System Information. It’s near the top of the page.
Do you receive any emails related to the system? If no emails are working, then check your to make sure your email configuration (e.g. SMTP) is correct.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear @asmecher
Any other emails working properly.
SMTP configuration is done properly.
Hi @chahor,
The most likely cause is that your mail server is flagging that message as spam. If you have access to the mail sending logs, check there – otherwise see if you can find the message in your spam folders, in which case you should be able to view the headers to find out why it was flagged.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear @asmecher I checked it in a spam folder for a many users and different email, (gmail hotmail and another)
Please tell me when I can find mail sending log.
Hi @chahor,
Your email log’s location will depend on your ISP; that’s outside of OJS.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Email with password reminder was no send because of the my provider firewall.
The problem is, when the email of password remind is send not by conferecne email but by technical support (which you can set
If you asking about password reminder, the email is sending by technical support contact (conference manager - current conference - pont 1.5). In my case this email have different domain address than the conference.
@asmecher my question is: where I can find shimmel of the sending emails, where I can change the email sender.
I found it in: locale\en_US\emailTemplates.xml
<description>This email is sent to an unregistered user on the notification mailing list when they indicate that they have forgotten their password or are unable to login. It provides a URL they can follow to reset their password.</description>
<email_text key="PASSWORD_RESET_CONFIRM">
<subject>Password Reset Confirmation</subject>
<body>We have received a request to reset your password for the {$siteTitle} web site.
If you did not make this request, please ignore this email and your password will not be changed. If you wish to reset your password, click on the below URL.
Reset my password: {$url}
but I cant find where is the email sender name.
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Hi @chahor,
This is the site contact; you can set it in Site Administration > Settings.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team