On the “OSC in an hour” p.36, there is a panel submission choice (submitted by panel organizers) . This choice however disappears on the new OCS. Could anyone help on this topic? Many thanks.
I think OCS in an hour is for version 2.1. Now the latest OCS version 2.3.6. Some of the contents in that document are out of date.
Hi all,
See the “Session Types” metadata field. You can create session types in setup, and Authors will need to choose one during submission. You can use this to organize different kinds of sessions (e.g. posters, lightning talks, etc).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Many thanks Asmecher. Could you please point out where the “Session Types” is? I could not find it on Conference Manager → Setup → Submissions. I am using the newest OCS version.
Hi @jpwang,
In Conference Manager > Setup > Submissions, it’s called Submission Types. The wording isn’t perfectly consistent between setup and the submission area.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher, Many thanks. I have set that as you instructed. But for a panel session, I’d like the panel organizer can submit the panel papers (3 to 4 papers) at the same time. I was not able to do that at this moment.
Hi @jpwang,
OCS doesn’t have a facility for this, unfortunately.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher, Many thanks for the help.