Hey there - i just browsed the forum for information on adding page numbers to the articles of an issue already published. I found that, and it basically works, however:
Now, in the view issue mode on the frontend, the page numbers are displayed after the authors name WITHOUT neither space nor tab nor other separator (see http://jrfm.eu/index.php/ojs_jrfm/issue/view/1 , Editorial)
Is it possible to define a separator for that somewhere? It looks odd if the page numbers are pasted directly to the authors …
Found that, changed that, and it basically works.
HOWEVER, after inserting the page numbers the sequence of articles in the issue changes … and I have to re-sort the entire issue manually so that it corresponds again with the order in the (PDF)ToC.
Not a critical problem - although I wish I knew the reason for it to avoid it in the future …
You are right. I tried the changes on our test system. The productive system is still untouched. Pity that the testserver is locked for adresses outside our university … you will have to trust me on that.
I inserted the page numbers in two of the articles: Wessely (On history and hermeneutics) and Heimerl (Rampant Lepers). I sorted Wessely up manually; Heimerl, who is supposed to be second in list (and was before inserting the page numbers) is now the last in the section even though the page numbers displayed are correct.
I will leave it in that status until this evening.