[OxS] OJS 3 Custom blocks character limitations

Hello all, @asmecher ,

Custom block plugins cannot have special characters in their titles?
This used to work on OJS 2:
Custom block plugin name/title: Ci.Inf. no Scimagojr.com
However, now on OJS 3 it prevents displaying this custom block because "The custom block name must contain only letters, numbers and hyphens / underscores."
Long names in blocks is a bit cumbersome for layout… and not being able to add special characters is limiting.

Apparently the name of the block is limited to alphanumeric, hifens and underlines.
However, the new block is not showing anywhere.

Hi @ramon,

See this issue: Disentangle block "symbolic name" from title · Issue #17 · pkp/customBlockManager · GitHub

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team