Is it possible to order journals in Archive menu in simialr or the same way like we order articles in TOC in issue before publishing. I would like my issues to appear in their crhonological order.
Is it possible to order journals in Archive menu in simialr or the same way like we order articles in TOC in issue before publishing. I would like my issues to appear in their crhonological order.
Hi @vvucic,
What version of OJS are you asking about?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I am asking about OJS 3.0.
Hi @vvucic,
The issues are presented according to the date_published
column of the issues
table – see the IssueDAO::getPublishedIssues
function. Is it possible that your issues don’t have correct data in that column?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I am putting on line digitized archive and I want to put them in order when they are issued, not order when I publish them on line since teh date of publishing can be influenced by different factors, but date of issue is actually the right one that I need for order.
This is especially true in cases when people are puting on line digitized archive of old issues. Thus, the year, number, volume should be more important than the date of publishing.
Is it possible to change that function in code so the new rule that includes year, volume, number will be more important?
Hi @vvucic,
I just double-checked, and it looks like the issue publication date is the last of a few potential sorting options. OJS 2.x has support for custom issue ordering, and OJS 3.0 doesn’t yet, but this will be relatively simple to add – I’ve filed this for attention in github. Stay tuned there for an update.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
OK. Great. Thanks a lot. Please let me know if you need me for testing or so.