OrcidProfilePlugin: author = Author::__set_state(array( '_data' =>

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I noticed the following error in PHP error log when the journal receives the submission from this specific user. Now I have disable the ORCID plugin altogether. But I am reporting for the developers if this issue needs to be fixed as I know there is a bug in this ORCID plugin and someone might be working on it already. Please consider this error as well if it is relevant.

[20-Apr-2020 16:45:02 UTC] OrcidProfilePlugin: user->orcidAccessToken =
[20-Apr-2020 16:45:02 UTC] OrcidProfilePlugin: author = Author::__set_state(array(
‘_data’ =>
array (
‘id’ => 670,
‘email’ => ‘xyz’,
‘includeInBrowse’ => true,
‘publicationId’ => 266,
‘seq’ => 0,
‘userGroupId’ => 14,
‘country’ => ‘xy’,
‘orcid’ => ‘’,
‘orcidEmailToken’ => ‘50e162a6ec9695aa23f0a7fdd68c006a’,
‘url’ => ‘’,
‘affiliation’ =>
array (
‘en_US’ => ‘xyz’,
‘biography’ =>
array (
‘en_US’ => ‘’,
‘familyName’ =>
array (
‘en_US’ => ‘xyz’,
‘givenName’ =>
array (
‘en_US’ => 'xyz ',
‘preferredPublicName’ =>
array (
‘en_US’ => ‘xyz’,
‘_hasLoadableAdapters’ => false,
‘_metadataExtractionAdapters’ =>
array (
‘_extractionAdaptersLoaded’ => false,
‘_metadataInjectionAdapters’ =>
array (
‘_injectionAdaptersLoaded’ => false,



Thanks for the report.
Although the token output was intended for helpful for administrators, I see the security concern there and have immediately removed it from the plugin code.

Best wishes,
Dulip Withanage

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Thanks @Dulip_Withanage for immediate action and reply. Do you suggest that I can enable the ORICD plugin now (after installing the latest copy from github)?


Sorry, I could not write you back. Yes, in github you have it. I did not release the plugin yet.