Excellent! Would you be interested in grooming this into a contribution to the OJS codebase? If so, when you’re ready, please open a pull request, and someone from the PKP team will review the changes for inclusion. There would probably be a few rounds of code review, and a little bit of drudgery around coding conventions, just so you’re warned
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I do not want to sound rude and it is great to see enhancements in the OJS plugins, but I still want to point out that adding Orcid id’s this way is not in accordance with Orcid instructions: https://members.orcid.org/api/workflow/publishing-systems#1collect. I guess the problem here is that the search could return many results with the same name, or the result returned is not the correct one, just a person with the same name. Probably 99% of the time the search works just fine, but I do think that the Orcid id is trying to solve problems where that 1% also matters and that is why they find it very important that the id’s are always added through a validation.
Again, sorry for the discouraging post. As I said, it is always great to see people working with plugins
you are right, searching the ORCID registry could lead to wrong attribution but I want to highlight the follwoing:
the current implementation allow to manual input an ORCID for coauthors and this is much more error prone
if the orcid is not provided for a coauthor the system will send an email asking to claim his orcid. This is exactly what ORCID suggest in the guide that you link
Maybe, I could try to change plugin to allow to show more information for each result (e.g. affiliation or last 3 published articles).
Anyway I accept suggestions
I’d like to change plugin so that is acceptable to the community
I definitely agree that the current implementation of having a free text field there is not good. A little over a year ago I discussed a plugin idea with a representative from Orcid that I met in a seminar. I was thinking that after filling an orcid id, you could “validate” it by checking what kind of info the API returns for that id by clicking a simple button next to the field. Basically to check if the returned name,email etc. matched. However, the representative, at least then, found that all forms of filling an Orcid that differ from their instructions are potential problems regardless of this kind of validation. I think that is the first time I heard about the idea of collecting them with an email + autehentication form.
I personally think that your implementation is much better than having just the open field and will definitely result into more filled Orcid fields. But the main risks there are the very same situations that Orcid was designed to solve, that is the authors with similar names, and the ease of filling the field with a search could perhaps lower the possibility of these kinds of mistakes happening? Fetching more user details from the account would probably solve this to some extent, but with the free API you are limited to the info that the users has made public. Even the name and email could be hidden from the free API. And probably, if asked from Orcid, they would insist on using their integration methods. But I am no Orcid representative, so I could be on the wrong tracks here.
Anyway, now I am going to stop whining about Orcid integration instructions
Again, excellent job on extending the plugin! Hopefully you will stick around and develop other stuff as well