Orcid Profile not working in registration page

Hi all,
We are using OJS- and I have the latest “orcidProfile” plugin for ojs-3.1 which is
Unfortunatelay, the orcid profile plugin in the registration process stops with a blank screen. After authentication to orcid with username and password, the “given name” and “familiy name” filled with proper data, but nothing happens afterward including the orcid id. Any help would be appreciated.
One more thing to mention is that the plugin works correctly in the profile section.

As far as orcid api only works with httpS, be sure your web works fine over httpS (not http).
Check your certificates and your config.inc.php (base_urls, ssl…) and your rewrite rules is something is wrong.


It works correctly in the user profile, but not in the registration. Does this mean that web access over https, base_url etc. are ok?

When you say “registration” it also include “login”, isn’t it?
The work the plugin is doing in the profile is easier than the login/register.
If you get a white screen, it is usually related with url issues, but take a look to your log just in case something else jumps.


Nothing shows in the log output. Also, it should be mentioned that when we see the final response in the developer tools of the browser it includes “given name”, “familiy name” and “orcid ID”. The first two fields are populated with the corresponding values, but nothing happens afterwards. You mean it has something to do with the URL?

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Not sure, sorry.
@Dulip_Withanage is the developer of the module
Any idea about what could be happen or how to trace it?


@Dulip_Withanage Any clues?

Please be patient.
Dulip is under no obligation to support the development he have offered to the community for free, although I’m sure as soon as he sees the mention he will help you.

Thanks dude. Wish you all the best.

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Sorry for the delay. @marc thanks for looking for the initial request.


could you beforehand confirm me you have the latest version of the orcid plugin for ojs 3.1

If yes, could you give me a screenshot or a url pattern how this is happening. Any logs or Browser errors are very helpful for me.

It does the same in my OJS. The user then has to go to their profile and “link” their ORCID again and now it appears.

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