We have been trying to configure ORCID plugin using the public API. OJS Version, ORCID plugin version
It seem like everything is configured correctly as it is connecting to sandbox orcid but after we click on “Authorize Access” none of the Register Form fields are filled.
We are using our base_url with https for “Your website URL” and “Redirect URIs”.
ORCID Public API is not working properly?
Any suggestions?
@Dulip_Withanage may also be able to assist if he is available. Please note that the version of OJS you’re using (3.1) is no longer supported, and I would recommend that you update to a newer version if feasible.
I already tested it with OJS, getting same results; register and profile fields not getting any data from orcid after authenticating. Let’s hope @Dulip_Withanage may be able to help us.
@jcardo I have added one css file in a journal stylesheet to justify Abstract and other items. I m using child theme, so we want to remove all 4 corner boxes. For that someone has shared css sheet. I have added that in the same css file, but i didnt get any changes and boxes are still same. Please help how to remove those boxes.