ORCID integration issue

I am facing issue on ORCID integration on OJS.

Hi @aravindiitd2022,

As a starting point, you may want to checkout our ORCID guide troubleshooting resource:

PKP team

i have checked the guide i followed same only difference is i am using public api and near future i wish to add more journals on same ojs. how to integrate ORCID on that

Hi @aravindiitd2022,

Thanks for clarifying. Presuming you’ve obtained your Public API credentials (as I believe your screenshot indicates) , you should be good there. The guide also covers setting up ORCID if you have multiple journals on your install: https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/orcid/en/installation-setup#enable-and-configure-the-orcid-profile-plugin-in-ojsops

PKP Team

I tried to setup globally on config.inc.php file. still not appearing the orcid option on journal website.

when i try to use the url on the orcid settings i am getting this error.


is tha api url is correct or not if i am using orcid publiv api

Hi @aravindiitd2022

I checked our config.inc.php file and we have ‘api_url = https://pub.orcid.org/’ there

checked with this but not working

anyone please help me

Hi @aravindiitd2022

Can you provide a screenshot of how your current configuration looks on your orcid account developer tool menu?

Especially on Redirect URIs configuration

Because usually errors occur because the data in this configuration mismatch with your journal URL.


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Please find the attached screenshot


OJS integration completed successfully. thank you for the support. But it is not showing on user registration page. on profile page, option is showing foe integrating the ORCID integration.


To fix this issue, you can follow this tutorial:


How to fix:

Please make edits to the files (OrcidProfilePlugin.inc.php) inside your Orcid folder.
