Hi, I’m teaching myself how to use OCS for an upcoming conference.
I have a question about the Scheduler under Conference Manager. OCS says that under this tool “Conference Managers may schedule presentations and special events for times and locations using the Scheduler” however while I can schedule presentations the special events I’ve added (which include lunch breaks, performances) don’t appear on the schedule (under 'Schedule presentations and events") making scheduling very difficult. They do appear on the homepage/public facing schedule though.
I’m using the ‘OCS in an hour’ documentation but this information seems to missing as it cuts of on page 51 and goes straight to payment info.
Is there a way to show the events on scheduler that I’m missing?
We checked the PHP logs and they’re not showing errors server side. This is what we believe the expected behaviour to be:
We’ve selected ’ Schedule presentations by time and date individually’
Create an event under ‘special events’ such as our example ‘morning tea’ at 10.00 to 10.30
See that event listed on the scheduler between the presentation ending at 10.00am and the presentation starting at 10.30am
However we can’t see the special events on scheduler so it’s difficult to plan the schedule. However, the events appear on the home page of the website under conference schedule.
Is there something we haven’t set up correctly or is it meant to be like this?