Online Conferences editor self registration

Am inquiring whether we have a functionality for self registration and posting of abstracts on the online conferences

Hi @dwekesa,

Yes, you can have your participants self-register and you can post abstracts on your conference site.

For self-registration, when you create your registration types (under Conference Site Management > Registrations), don’t check off any of the last 3 options that limit registration. You can also allow participants to self-register as an author or a reviewer by setting the “Reviewer Registration” dates and “Author Registration” dates under Conference Site Management > Conference Timeline and Information.

To allow posting of abstracts, when you do your submissions setup you can indicate whether authors should submit abstracts and/or longer proposals. Then on the Reading Tools page, check off Abstracts to display the abstracts on the conference site.

OCS in an Hour is a guide that has a lot of this information.

Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team