ONIX 3.0 Monograph Export Plugin (OMP 3.2) returns "Could not convert submissions."


in OMP 3.2 the Onix Plugin returns “Could not convert submissions.” when trying to export a book.

The problem arises from function checkType(&$object) in class ClassTypeDescription.

“this->_className” returns “Monograph” but there’s no class Monograph.inc.php anymore. “get_class(object)” returns “Submission”.

If I comment out the following code:

if (!$this->supportsAsInput($input)) {


if ((!is_null($preliminaryOutput) && $this->supports($input, $preliminaryOutput)) || $returnErrors)

in Filter.inc.php, the data is exported.


Hi @carola,

It looks like this issue is being discussed in recently opened issue here: [OMP] Make ONIX export problems easier to understand/solve · Issue #6610 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
Would you mind sharing your comments and discussing with our developers there?

Thank you,

PKP Team

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