Hi all
Some journals from our ojs installation (ojs are using one click review option for reviewers.
Many reviewers are working without problems, but few of them report us that some times the link doesn’t work if the reviewer are not logged on ojs. One of the reviewers explain us that the first time that access to the link it works fine, but some days after it only works if he is logged.
There’s an expiration time for this links? It can be the easiest explanation for this because there are no patterns between reviewers I have read about reset password link expiration but I but I can’t find information related to one click link.
Can you elaborate a little further: what happens when your reviewers click the links (and after what period of time from when they were issued - i.e. when were the reviews assigned)? I think it may be the case that these links are a one-time only link - but I will have to investigate further.
It happens after the review submission is accepted and before the submission due date. An example reported by user: the reviewer takes 2 weeks between accept and review whe it happens, but it happened to him also reviewing other submissions before this example. The same submission have a second reviewer than accept and review the same day and it works fine.
When the reviewer click to email link to review the submission the tab “Review and Download” is empty, but if he login into ojs and the use the link the review form is showed in this tab.
I spoke with our developers about this, and by design the link expires after the “number of weeks per review” configured in setup, plus a fixed 4-day grace period. So, you might want to check your configuration in the journal setup? Hope that helps to sheds some light on the matter.
@rcgillis It helps a lot. I’ve review journal configuration and they have 0 as a “number of weeks per review" because they decide a custom date for each submission so the didn’t add a value to it. We’ll do some test changing this value.
Thanks a lot!!