We are a medical publisher and are considering
to transfer the management of editorial process and publication to PKP OMP system,
but have some doubts about the catalog presentation. I downloaded and installed the last release in our test server.
From PKP demo page (https://pkp.sfu.ca/omp/omp_demo/) OMP has interesting
functions that we would like to use, like the sheets
” or publication “info/paperback/ebook
(http://omp.sfu.ca/present/index.php/aup-demo/catalog/book/7), while the version I
installed (OMP 3.1.0) make all contents visibles without any menu. Where can I
find this components?
Moreover we interested in some solutions used in Athabasca University Press web
site and present the books in a similar way
(http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120264). Is this web site based on OMP
system? Does it use personalized themes and functions? Are theme available?
Thank you.