I tested our OMP search ( and it is not working properly. I get some hits but not all of them. Therefore I checked other OMP sites. Either the search was not activated (heibooks, langsci), did not work at all ( http://omp.sfu.ca/present/index.php/aup-demo) or it also did not return all entries it should find (e.g. search for Working Paper in http://omp.ub.rub.de/index.php/ZMS/catalog, normally it’s part of the title of all books but only one hit is returned).
Are there any well known search issues for OMP (because I could not find any posts)?
thanks a lot for your fast reply. Unluckily it did not change anything. Could you tell me where the index is stored (database?) so I can check if it is an indexing problem?
You may also have to flush your data cache as Site Administrator – search results are cached for 24 hours.
Are you searching for text content that is extracted e.g. from uploaded PDF files? If so, you may have to configure text extraction tools in your config.inc.php.
The search index is stored in…
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
no it’s only metadata at the moment. Refreshing the cache did not help. I’m not sure if it’s an indexing problem. In submission_search_object_keywords I find references to 3 object-ids (-> 3 submission-ids in submission_search_objects) but search only shows two hits. What does type in submission_search_objects stand for (two object-ids have the value 1 and one has the value 4)?
Would you be willing to give me a copy of your database and a quick description of steps to reproduce the problem (i.e. what you’re searching for and what submission should be appearing but isn’t)?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team