Hi Alec,
We are using OMP 1.1.1 and we would like to make a front page for our site. That front page should have the presses and the books contained in our site.
I managed to make the page, but I have problems when using the
{if $publishedMonographs|@count > 0}
{include file=“catalog/monographs.tpl” publishedMonographs=$publishedMonographs monographListTitleKey=“navigation.newReleases”}
Code. The Cover pages don’t show up because of a {“status”:false,“content”:“No press in context!”,“elementId”:“0”}
Would it be possible to override the “No press context” for that purpose?
Another question is when do you expect the next release of OMP and what new features/bug fixes/Plugins we are about to see?
Thank you in advance
Hi @Dimitris_Efstathiou,
That sounds to me like it’s coming from an AJAX subrequest that is expecting a specific press to be specified in the URL but isn’t getting one. I’d suggest working with a tool like Firebug for Firefox that allows you to inspect subrequests, so that you can see which subrequest is complaining; then you can track down the template code that starts the subrequest and ensure that it’s specifying a valid URL (i.e. the press is being specified when it’s needed).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you for your answer. The problem is that the custom page we are developing is not inside the context of a press, but needs to get the covers of all the books of the presses inside the installation.
Is there a way I can override the fact that I am working outside the press context?
Hi @Dimitris_Efstathiou,
Do you want content from different presses to get mixed in the same list, or do you want to present a list for each press? If the latter, then you can still cause the subrequest to specify a press in its URL. If the former, you’ll need to either alter the code to support this case without a context specified, or (if that proves too invasive) code a new request handler to provide the list you want.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team