Hi everybody!
I am fighting here to discover if this is possible.
We want to make a book with multiple authors, and each author will be responsabile by his own chapter.
Reading the foruns I have learned to add multiple authors, but the authors only can see what is already posted, and cannot send his own chapter to the book.
Can this be possible?
Hi @dalmasont,
Other authors will need to register for their own accounts, and after the initial submission process is complete, the Editor can use the participants list on the right-hand side to add the other authors’ accounts to the submission.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher.
Thank you for the quick response.
The process to add another author in the participants list I can do correctly, and the submission appears to the second author.
But, when entering the submission, the second author cannot send his own chapter, only whatch the proccess of the firs submission.
What we want is that every participant author could send his own chapter to the edited volume.
Hi @dalmasont,
Sorry, I read your post too quickly.
Currently the submitting (corresponding) author needs to complete all the chapters and uploads during the submission process. Thereafter, though, if you assign other authors, they’ll be able to participate equally in the workflow.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
So if I want to work with multiple authors sending their chapters by themselves, the only way is to treat each chapter as a book, and, after all the steps are done, download every book, and them reupload as a unique book.
Am I correct?
Hi @dalmasont,
That’s one option, or the chapter authors could send their chapters to the corresponding authors. You can grant the other authors access to participate in the workflow after submission has begun, but the problem is that as OMP is currently structured you can only upload new files and create new chapters as an author during the submission process; after that’s been confirmed the submission is locked to authors unless they’ve been invited e.g. to upload a revision in the review process.
I’d like to add support for the process you’re looking for but can’t promise it’ll happen quickly.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you very much, @asmecher.
We’ll be using this method.
And thanks again for considering implementing this process !!!