Describe the issue or problem
When we create a new component and make it require submitting authors to upload one or more of these files. and then we delete the component, in the submission its still ask user to upload the component eventhough its already been delete.
Steps I took leading up to the issue
For example:
- create a new component. make it compulsary
- delete the component
- try upload new submission and the component still exist.
What application are you using?
omp 3.4 on pkp demo site
Additional information
the delete if gone component has been create and delete earlier. make a new submission and its still ask for this component.
how to delete from database becase the component already been delete in the front end but not the back end.
Hi @mohd_arshad
I would like to confirm that I am also having the same issue as you mentioned, only the issue I am having is occurring on OJS (3.4.0-5) but it should not be much different on OMP.
Just like you mentioned before, I also created a new component, but for some reason the component is no longer available in the OJS menu component list. It seems like it disappeared after the OJS upgrade process or was intentionally deleted by the editor team.
To find out my curiosity, I tried to create a new component and set it to require file upload, then intentionally deleted the component I had just created, and the result was true, the component data was not deleted and still appeared when submitting an article.
So the solution to overcome this problem, I immediately made edits to the OJS database.
Find Genre table
Please find the name of the component data that was previously created and please change the value 1 to 0.

You can change the value from 1 to 0 to make this component not mandatory to upload files, or you can also delete the data directly.
Hi @mohd_arshad, @Muhammad_Al_Madani,
Just to note that this might be tied to this more recent change here:
Flagging this for @asmecher to have a look at when he has the opportunity in case this may have been overlooked when trying to address that issue.
PKP Team
Thank you @Muhammad_Al_Madani for the guideline. i have apply the fix and change to 0 in database. for the time being, i will leave it and when its time to upgrade i will clean it.
@rcgillis i know there is no other file is using the component because its newly create and delete directly.