We have a user of our test system, connecting from off-campus over a VPN. On campus, everything’s fine.
However, when he visits the author dashboard the stage tabs show up as a bulleted list, and when he clicks them, he gets raw JSON responses in his browser (e.g., {"status":true,"content":"\n\tStage not initiated.\n","elementId":"0"}).
He’s worked with tech support to get himself using the correct VPN system, and to turn off McAfee, but I’m at a loss as to what else could be causing a problem like this. Any suggestions for things for him to try?
Is it possible that the user is encountering a Javascript error? Sometimes when that happens, the browser gets the JSON dump rather than channeling it through Javascript where it would normally be processed.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks, @asmecher. It definitely seems like something is interfering with JavaScript—there should be an event handler that fires on the click on the tab, dispatching the request as an XHR, and that’s clearly failing. However, he doesn’t report any errors… I suspect that something about the VPN or some other security or privacy layer is filtering out necessary JavaScript. We’ll see how it goes…