the function “cover” in the CoverHandler.inc.php does not work for me. The documentation says:
// this function is only used on the book page i.e. for published monographes
- I call it for a published monograph and it still does not work
- in monograph_full.tpl the op “thumbnail” is used for the book page, not “cover”. If I change it to “cover”, the image won’t show up
If I replace
$publishedMonograph = $this->getAuthorizedContextObject(ASSOC_TYPE_PUBLISHED_MONOGRAPH);
in the “cover”-function of the CoverHandler with
$monograph = $this->getAuthorizedContextObject(ASSOC_TYPE_MONOGRAPH);
$publishedMonographDao = DAORegistry::getDAO(‘PublishedMonographDAO’);
$publishedMonograph = $publishedMonographDao->getById($monograph->getId(), null, false);
then in both cases, the large cover shows up.