[OJS3.X] How do i disable journals description?

I did an OJS upgrade test from 2.4.8-2 to 3.1.0-1 and in version 2.4 it was important that the journal description was not displayed. But in version 3.1 I did not find the option to disable it. Does anyone know how to do this?
Thank you so much!

Hi @Gessy_Junior

You may edit Journal description in following path:

Administration > Hosted Journals > Click blue arrow select journal and “Edit”

It will open a modal window where you can edit or remove description.

Same action might be used with “Settings Wizard” link and description textareas inside of it.

Hope it helps.

Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @israel.cefrin

In version 2.4.x in Site Administration> Site Settings in the Journal elements section there is an option that allows you to disable the display of “Journal description” and “Journal thumbnail” in a global way. Should I understand that there is no such configuration in version 3.X and that if I want the portal home page to be only the Journals list without the description, should I advise managers not to enter the description?

Thank you so much

Hi @Gessy_Junior,

Yes, there are no built-in options for customizing the display of journals on the site-wide index. You can choose not to enter a journal description, but the journal title and links will still be displayed.