I’m having the following problems after updating the OJS
php upgrade.php check
Code version:
Database version:
Latest version:
Database version is older than code version
Run “upgrade.php upgrade” to update

while trying to update the database it gives me the error:
[load: upgrade.xml]

[code: Installer Installer::syncSeriesAssocType]
[data: dbscripts/xml/upgrade/2.4.0_preupdate_usageStatistics.xml (skipped)]
[data: dbscripts/xml/upgrade/2.4.0_preupdate_usageStatistics2.xml]
ERROR: Upgrade failed: DB: Table ‘issue_galleys_stats_migration’ already exists

Besides this my page is totally unrecognizable.
The page is No Formatting

Could help? Thank you.

I decided doing the following:

Moved to another place the
public_html directory where was all the unzipped base OJS 2.4.8 and
efetuei extraction OJS3.0.0 with a new public_html folder to the same
So I could install the wheel by http. Instead of creating a new database
by the panel, only filled the database information that already
existed with the OJS version 2.4.8. My question now is:

Is there any future problem with doing this?
Are there differences between the bases of OJS3.0.0 and OJS2.4.8? Where can I read about?
What is the correct way to do?
Thank you.

Hi @Julio_C_S_Ferraz,

It seems you tried upgrading and the process was not completed at some point. Now you have a table that’s used only when upgrading ‘issue_galleys_stats_migration’, and when you try to upgrade again the process fail because that table already exists.

I would try to restore a database backup and run the upgrade process again.


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Hello @beghelli

Yes, I would like to do the process again.
Could you guide me? I was confused, I do not know php to do via terminal.
I previously made up only database I need for a case like this make the “restore” and do it all again.

bruno you speak Portuguese?

Oi Julio,

Primeiro você precisa saber se tem um backup do banco de dados antes do upgrade, ainda na versão 2.4.8. Se sim, você pode usá-lo para recriar o seu banco de dados (deletar tudo o que está no banco de dados agora e importar esse arquivo). Isso tem várias maneiras de se fazer, tanto via terminal quanto utilizando um sistema pelo navegador, depende do seu servidor e da sua habilidade.

Eu não posso ajudar muito em como realizar essa tarefa, mas se você der uma procurada no google vai encontrar bastante ajuda. Eu procurei e achei inclusive uma página (em inglês) do próprio projeto: https://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/docs/userguide/2.3.1/systemAdministrationRestoring.html

Espero ter ajudado um pouco. Abraços,