I’m having the following problems after updating the OJS
php upgrade.php check
Code version:
Database version:
Latest version:
Database version is older than code version
Run “upgrade.php upgrade” to update
while trying to update the database it gives me the error:
[load: upgrade.xml]
[code: Installer Installer::syncSeriesAssocType]
[data: dbscripts/xml/upgrade/2.4.0_preupdate_usageStatistics.xml (skipped)]
[data: dbscripts/xml/upgrade/2.4.0_preupdate_usageStatistics2.xml]
ERROR: Upgrade failed: DB: Table ‘issue_galleys_stats_migration’ already exists
Besides this my page is totally unrecognizable.
The page is No Formatting
Could help? Thank you.
I decided doing the following:
Moved to another place the
public_html directory where was all the unzipped base OJS 2.4.8 and
efetuei extraction OJS3.0.0 with a new public_html folder to the same
So I could install the wheel by http. Instead of creating a new database
by the panel, only filled the database information that already
existed with the OJS version 2.4.8. My question now is:
Is there any future problem with doing this?
Are there differences between the bases of OJS3.0.0 and OJS2.4.8? Where can I read about?
What is the correct way to do?
Thank you.