I have that in https://journal.fi, now I have promised to upload the site theme to github for two months now, hopefully I will have the time to do that finally during this week…
I have the code in a theme plugin that I use for the site. Not too complicated. I can not access it at the moment, but will try to remember get back to you later today (Finnish time).
ah yes, sorry, I have been busy building a Finnish humanities portal. I will try, once again, today to finish cleaning the site themes and upload those to github.
I mean you could change that code that it would build a similar array as above and the pass that array to the template and loop it through there with a similar loop as above.
Hi, so I actually had an extra hour here to finish cleaning up the theme. There are still things I would need to do with this, a few things with the margins and responsive navigation menus, but I will probably finish those later this year.
I removed the images like logos, because I can not decide the licencing on those myself.
I would imagine that no one wants to copy the whole theme, but maybe the way the front page functions work will help someone to work on their own site themes.
How can I install the most read part in the index journal. I just have one journal. I have tried copying the php part and the indexsite code in the index journal file, but there it doesnt work. The site becomes a blank page.
Ok, thanks. I removed a few things that are very installation specific and not much use in the public repo. That was probably left out as a result. I will fix that!
Yes, I do know that. I have been trying to do the same thing since last few
months. I know this code since 2-3 months, but every time I fail to
implement it. It basically doesnt get adjusted with my theme. Apart from
that, this is for the site and not for the index journal. I want it for an
index journal.