First, a quick note: the OJS 3.0 demo site here appears to be down (it’s actually showing 200 OK, but there is no content).
It looks like the OJS3 menu bar (#navigationPrimary) is not configurable (from the admin interface) at all. Am I missing some option somewhere? OJS 2 had the capability of adding links (e.g., to custom static pages) to the primary navbar. It would be nice to have this feature.
In my Settings -> Plugins -> Installed Plugins list, all of the “Enable” checkboxes for the citation-related plugins are disabled. Is there a reason these can be removed but not disabled? It would be nice to be able to disable them without removing them. Alternatively, is there some way (from within the admin interface) that I can configure how the citation references (that is, the “Citation Formats” list) are displayed on the article view page?
We don’t have any point-and-click tool to edit the primary navigation menu in OJS 3. I suspect this will be a highly-requested feature, and we’ve definitely discussed some tools for handling display logic like this. But I can’t really make any promises regarding when it might be available.
I’m not sure if the Static Pages plugin is compatible with OJS 3 yet. (@asmecher do you know?) But when it is, that seems like a great time to architect a more flexible navigation menu system.
Sorry, I can’t answer your questions about the citation-related plugins as I just don’t know!
The static pages plugin is compatible with OJS 3.0 and included in the distribution. Flexible menus have been on our priority list for a little while and I’m hoping we can make progress on this in the next few OJS releases.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team