I just activate doi for article.
When I see the how to cite in the article page, it looks the doi.org always written twice, which is I think not correct.
The ojs version: (November 7, 2017 - 07:04 AM)
Below is the capture of the page.
Best Regards,
hi @waluyo .
Perhaps the problem could be
{assign var=pubId value=$article->getStoredPubId($pubIdPlugin->getPubIdType())}
{if $pubId}
<section class="item pubid">
<h2 class="label">
<div class="value">
{if $pubIdPlugin->getResolvingURL($currentJournal->getId(), $pubId)|escape}
<a id="pub-id::{$pubIdPlugin->getPubIdType()|escape}" href="{$pubIdPlugin->getResolvingURL($currentJournal->getId(), $pubId)|escape}">
{$pubIdPlugin->getResolvingURL($currentJournal->getId(), $pubId)|escape}
* @copydoc PKPPubIdPlugin::getPubIdFullName()
function getPubIdFullName() {
return 'Digital Object Identifier';
* @copydoc PKPPubIdPlugin::getResolvingURL()
function getResolvingURL($contextId, $pubId) {
return 'https://doi.org/'.$this->_doiURLEncode($pubId);
* @copydoc PKPPubIdPlugin::getPubIdMetadataFile()
function getPubIdMetadataFile() {
return $this->getTemplateResource('doiSuffixEdit.tpl');
Dear @juanito
If i remove the https://doi.org/
return ’ '.$this->_doiURLEncode($pubId);
the appearance in how to cite becomes correct
the doi link starts from the doi number, but when I click it does no go to the correct link https://doi.org/10 …
Dear @juanito
My (temporary solution) I modified the citation files (.csl), by removing the prefix https://doi.org/
for example in apa.csl
the format citation does not appear double https://doi.org/
You can see now the doi information in citation format after removing the prefix https://doi.org/
I guess this is a small bug that should be fixed.
Best regards,
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