Hi! Many of our users ask us why the custom block names are not displayed in the right panel.
I think, it would be really good if those names might be displayed and be multilingual, just as those standard ones, like ‘Language’ and ‘Information’.
Hi @Ph_We,
The block name is currently intended as a symbolic name. Are you getting these requests because of a misunderstanding about the purpose of the field, or because it’s not possible e.g. to style a title using the TinyMCE tools in the field body?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Both of those reasons and even more. Users see the blocks named ‘Language’ and ‘Information’. When they give a name to a new block, they expect that name to appear at the top of the block. When I tell them they could style the title exactly as any other titles, they would answer, they just do not know how to do that.
Then goes a finishing shot: “Even if I could do that, how do I make it appear in two languages, depending of the language chosen?”
Hi @Ph_We,
I’ve filed the block title feature request over here: Disentangle block "symbolic name" from title · Issue #17 · pkp/customBlockManager · GitHub
As for multi-lingual content, I think the custom block manager is already multilingual-capable; are you seeing something different?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Thank you! Yes, the custom blocks themselves (the ‘Content’ field) are multilingual. But the ‘Block Name’ field is not multilingual, and it is not displayed.
Whereas the standard blocks’ names are displayed and they are multilingual. So if I have English-French journal, I would get ‘Language’ name displayed for the Language toggle block in the English version and ‘Langue’ in the French.
When the user creates his/her custom block, (s)he expects the block name to be displayed and be multilingual, just as it is in the standard blocks. So I would add ‘make a proper title field multilingual’ to the request, if that is possible.
Hi @Ph_We,
Yes, that makes sense and should be covered by the issue filed above.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team