[OJS3.1.2-1] Search Index and Old Issues

I have a question regarding some old issues of us, which we like to import into OJS, and the search index. For those issues, we do only have one PDF for the whole issue, which we would like to integrate into OJS. We wouldn’t like to extract single articles.

But what we do want is that the content of those issues is fully respected by the search index.

Do we have to convert to HTML? Or is PDF enough? What do we at least have to do for this? If I may kindly ask … @asmecher

Thanks, Tobias

Hi @twa,

For PDF indexing, you’ll need to make sure the PDF text extraction tool on your server is set up in config.inc.php. There are example settings there. If you change those, you’ll have to re-generate the index using php tools/rebuildSearchIndex.php.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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