After my upgrade, I believe my files_dir filenames has not been updated to OJS3. Can I run php tools/upgrade.php upgrade again? Will it run the entire migration script, or only run the part that might have error’ed out?
Hi @wilsonw,
Currently the upgrade process is do-or-die – if it fails, you’ll need to restore your database and files area from backup and try again. Currently, only the OJS 2.x to 3.x migration renames the files in the files area, but that part of the upgrade script can’t currently be run separately. If there are problems moving files during the upgrade, they should be logged so you’re aware.
If you’re interested in how the renames happen, it’s implemented here: ojs/ at ojs-3_0_2-0 · pkp/ojs · GitHub
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you for the update. To fix, I re-ran the migration from OJS2 in a clone and moved the updated files_dir into my production OJS3 install. Definitely not best practice on my side, but I had to salvage what I could get on prod.