[ojs] uploaded submission images are logged but can't be found

Describe the issue or problem
For some articles in OJS-, uploaded images have been logged, but can’t be found anywhere (not via OJS, not in the article’s subfolder in the OJS files folder on the server).

Steps I took leading up to the issue
For example:

  1. Go to an article
  2. Click on ‘Activity Log’
  3. See how an image upload has been logged (without download link, though)
  4. See how no image can be found under “Submission files”, nor in the article’s subfolder in the ojs files folder on the server.

What application are you using?
For example, OJS

Additional information
It’s not a server problem, it seems: for other articles in the same journal, uploaded images are visible.

The only trace for these unfindable images is in the activity log:

Wondering if this could be a trace of an unsuccessful / incomplete upload attempt, where it could have gone wrong, and how it can be remedied. I’m suspecting perhaps the “Article Component” selection might be a factor here (successfully uploaded images for other articles were apparently filed as “Other”). Could that be a factor?

Any thoughts much appreciated!



Hi @rvdb,

Can you clarify how you’ve uploaded them - are they as dependent files?

PKP Team

Hi @rcgillis ,

It was an author who had uploaded them (apparently, this is the only trace we could find), so I don’t know the exact procedure. From the activity log, it seems as if the images were submitted during the submission process itself, not afterwards.

I’ve tested myself (though being administrator) on a test journal, both adding images during the submission, and adding them later to an already submitted article. Both work as expected, so I don’t know what would have gone wrong. But I see it has happened for other articles as well.

