I was upgrading to ojs3 from ojs 2.4.1 and it took almost three days to complete with an error on aws t2 micro server. Now I upgraded my server to t2 large and rerun the upgrade with desired steps. I have got 151 gb size files directory and around 6 GB database. I just want to get an idea. How much time will it take for the upgrade process to finish again. It’s been running for almost 7 hrs already and I am afraid to get the error again. Is there an alternative way of doing it fast?
Upgrading large databases usually takes hours and I don’t see how to escape today.
We upgraded some multi-gigabyte installations and tested some VM vendors in an attempt to reduce this time. At the moment, our best option was to use a VM on Vultr with enough space.
I would like the metrics to stay out of the OJS database, as it would speed up upgrades and the process of generating and importing a dump.
Hi all,
This won’t be of short-term help, but we’re planning to overhaul the upgrade toolset for the OJS 3.3.x line of releases.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I am getting Cannot load record: invalid context id. in /var/www/html/ojsNew/lib/pkp/classes/statistics/PKPMetricsDAO.inc.php
Could you post that as a new topic, with more details (e.g. what you are trying to do, what version of the software you are using, etc)?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team