I going to upgrade my OJS with the following setting:
- OJS 3.0.2
- Apache 2.4.37
- MySql 8.0.21
- PHP 7.2.34
- Centos 7
My target version is 3.3.0-6, the latest available now.
Is there any best practice to upgrade from 3.0.2 to 3.3.0-6? Or do I need to do step upgrading, let say from 3.0.2 to 3.1.2-4, then to 3.2.1-3, then to the latest 3.3.0-6?
Is there anything else should I know before upgrading to the latest (beside backup)?
I think you can upgrade to in one step, without the steps between your version and the final one …
Some things you might want to have in mind would be
the PHP version you will be running your upgraded OJS on… I have found at least one thing that doesn’t work without PHP 7.4+
convert all your tables to INNODB
be aware of mojibake problems
If you have XML galleys with dependent files (images, etc) make sure their files names doesn’t contain spaces
Hope that helps
Thanks. Going to try that. Finish trying out from 3.0.2 to 3.2.x. Success on upgrading but the pdf file not shown or downloaded - zero size file.
Some error on data. The project hand over to me with a partial upgrade and I have no way to get a copy of the database prior to partial upgrade.
halfway upgrades are always bad news… 
But if the 3.0.2 is working ok… you should have no problems upgrading.
Maybe double check the config.inc.php for the files directory location. And the directory permissions too, before the upgrade.
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