OJS new email feedback

Hello all,

OJS 3.0.2

When a reviewer declines a review, the Editor receives the email with the reject response. We would want to automatically send to the reviewer a courtesy email when a he rejects a request. What is the best way to achieve this, having a defined email model?

Thank you
Best regards

Hi @digitojs,

You’ll need to do some coding to achieve this. I’d suggest looking at some sample code that composes and sends an email automatically (e.g. classes/submission/form/SubmissionSubmitStep4Form.inc.php, where the various submission acknowledgement messages are composed/sent) and adding it to the area of the code where the existing rejection email is sent (lib/pkp/classes/submission/reviewer/ReviewerAction.inc.php in the confirmReview function).

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team