We upgraded OJS to the latest version yesterday. After that, I found I wasn’t able to login to administer the site. I tried our administrator login and password, and also 2 logins from editors. It says “invalid username and password, please try again.” I was able to login with these accounts a few days before the upgrade.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
Hi @jaskoog
I am guessing that the person who updated the system files did not moved all the config.inc.php settings properly, leaving out the encryption setting behind. Take a look at your config.inc.php file and check the encryption setting, if it’s md5 change it to sha1, if it’s sha1 change it to md5, and then try to login.
Let us know if that works,
Hi Bruno,
You are right. We changed md5 to sha1 and it worked.
Thank you