Dear Sir,
When we submit in save button in submission and publication metadata form we did not gate any information regarding submitting DOI please help me
DOI link not working
Hi @sawan,
The registration process of the article in Crossref starts when one submits article’s meta to their repositories. This can be done with CrossRef XML Export Plugin
. Have you tried to work with it? You’ll need Crossref account for plugin to work.
hi @Vitaliy ,
i have submitted . there is meta form not submitted properly loading window not continuing
Hi @sawan,
I remember that there was such problem in earlier OJS versions but it should be resolved in 3.1.2-1. Can you confirm that you are using version below the latter?
@Vitaliy Dear DOI link is not working. I am using OJS version Screenshots are attached.
This is setting, Please identify if anything wrong in settings
Hi @hussainyousaf,
Settings look OK. Is the publication metadata deposited via CrossRef XML Export Plugin?
@Vitaliy Please guide how can i deposited metadata via CrossRef XML and where can i deposited?
Take a look at this guide: Crossref OJS 3.2+ Manual
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